Anishinaabe Student Achievement (ASA)

The Anishinaabe Student Achievement (ASA) Program, under the guidance of the First Nation's Education Directors and 2022 Bimose and Education Strategic Plans, provides second level services and support to the 7 schools of the Bimose Tribal Council. These services, overseen by the Gagiikimaawasowi, aim to revitalize and enhance Anishinaabe education in recognition of miinigoowiziwin by providing quality education services. Anishinaabe knowledge and Anishinaabemowin form the foundation of the program, which includes areas such as literacy, numeracy, student success, student nutrition, information technology and extra-curricular programs. Additionally, the program offers Anishinaabe curriculum and resource development in areas such as Anishinaabemowin, land-based learning, Treaty, Residential School as well as capacity development and training. The Anishinaabe Student Achievement program also partners with Jays School Affiliate program, Ministry of Child and Youth Services, Science North and local schools and school boards.
- Focus on literacy instruction and improvement of literacy results in our schools;
- Pvovide common Literacy programs, establish literacy libraries and centres, implement a common writing program and implement reading intervention programs;
- Ensure teachers are using the best practices in their daily literacy program;
- Coordinate central and school-based professional development;
Student Access
- Implement student success teams, support Co-op, Reach Ahead and Dual Credit programs, After-School programs, High Skills Major program, assist to identify the needs of at-risk students, implement the Tell Them For Me Survey;
- Develop a transition program to assist students moving from Grades 8 to 9 and at graduation;
- Expand the use of technology in the classroom and schools to support student success and retention programs;
- Support all schools in the development and implementation of extra-curricular and after-school programs;
- Focus on numeracy instruction and improvement of numeracy results in our schools;
- Support Jump Math program, Mathletics, Math centers and numeracy assessments;
- Ensure teachers are using the best practices named above in their daily numeracy program, expand programming to the secondary level;
- Enhance numeracy assessment models, implement a problem-solving based numeracy instructional model for the elementary grades;
- Assist central and school-based professional learning communities to address specific student needs and support the sharing/developing of best practices;
- Expand the use of technology in the classrooms to support numeracy programming;
Language & Culture
- Support the development and implementation of Anishinaabe language, culture and traditions in our community schools;
- Support Native Language teachers with instructional delivery, accessing resources and professional development needs;
- Support the integration of Anishinaabe language and culture in all programming of the ASA program;
- Assist to support the expansion of a Cultural Support program in each school;
- Implement Anishinaabe language and culture assessment tools; develop local indicators for these tools;
Data Management & IT Support
- Implement and support Dadavan in all schools;
- Maintain school servers & enhance all school IT infrastructure;
- Install computer hardware and software to expand the use of technology in the classroom and schools;
- Provide IT training and support in various IT areas through (, and IT Learning/Coaching school-based staff
- Complete IT upgrades to support student learning, data-sharing and provide support, IT school infrastructure upgrades;
- Maintain learning partnership with Google;
- Support teachers in their use of data to guide instruction, through professional development and on-site training;
- Enhance school/teacher collaboration through video-conferencing system; maintain common e-mail system and a program website, and support school administration with various school management software;
Schools We Serve
- Migisi Sahgaigan
- David Kejick School
- Ojibwe Heritage School
- Mizhakiwetung Memorial School
- Waabshki Penasi School