Families of Gaagagegiizhigook (GGW) Childcare Centre, you're invited to our FREE Ribbon Skirt & Shirt Making Workshop. The talented Danielle Kakeway and Mande Jack will be at the Childcare Centre Saturday, April 1 & Sunday, April 2, 2023 to teach parents and guardians how to make child-sized ribbon skirts and shirts.
Date: Saturday, April 1 & Sunday, April 2, 2023
Time: 10am to 3pm, both days
Location: Gaagagegiizhigook (GGW) Childcare Centre, 1450 Valley Drive, Kenora, ON
Registration Fee: FREE for families who have a child enrolled at GGW Childcare Centre
Please email mmeekis@bimose.ca to reserve your spot by March 24th, 2023.